H o m e

B a s e c a m p P h i l o s o p h i e N e w s Ü b e r  u n s R e i s e n  &  E x p e d i t i o n e n P h o t o g r a p h i e H O C H - F O R M . a t G e d a n k e n


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Sport - Reise - Höhenmedizin uvm.



Beratung - Diagnostik - Training


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16 Monaten mit Mountainbikes 

von Wien bis nach Australien

Alle Infos zu unserer Radweltreise

"Ärzte radeln für Ärzte ohne Grenzen" >>





Anmerkung: Nur Produktsponsoring (Teile der Ausrüstung). Finanziert wurden alle Projekte ausschließlich mit eigenen Mitteln!



mit Sponsorbeteiligung:


- Around the World 2 -

Mit Mountainbikes

von Wien nach Australien

2006 - 2008


- Around the World 1 -

Mit einem Faltkajak

im Gepäck um die Welt

2002 - 2003



P h o t o g a l e r i e n

R a d w e l t r e i s e   a n s   a n d e r e   E n d e   d e r   W e l t



Mountainbike - Expedition 2006-2008



 A u s t r a l i a
       Deep Sea  "Impressions from Downunder Water"
  zur  Photogallery
       Out & Back  "Impressions from Southern Australia"
  zur  Photogallery
       Bush Life  "Impressions from Australias Wildlife"   
  zur  Photogallery
       Ocean Road  "Impressions from the Shipwreck Coast"   
  zur  Photogallery
 T a s m a n i a
       Tasmanian Trail  "Impressions from the Heart of Tasmania"
  zur  Photogallery
       Overland Track  "Impressions from Tasmania´s Wilderness"
  zur  Photogallery

       Wild Life & Rugged Beauty  "Impressions from the East Coast"   

  zur  Photogallery
 H a w a i ´ i 
       Hawai´i  "Impressions from the Big Island"
  zur  Photogallery
 N a t i o n a l   P a r k s   S o u t h w e s t   U S A 



  1. Yosemite

  2. Death Valley

  3. Zion

  4. Bryce Canyon

  5. Capitol Reef

  6. Arches

  7. Dead Horse SP

  8. Canyonlands

  9. Monument Valley

  10. Antelope Canyon

  11. Grand Canyon

  12. Joshua Tree

  13. Moab - MTB Trail


       Yosemite  "Impressions from a glaciar-carved Valley"


zur  Photogallery
       Death Valley  "Impressions from 86 m below sealevel"
  zur  Photogallery
       Zion   "Impressions from river-carved Canyons"
  zur  Photogallery
       Bryce Canyon  "Impressions from a bizarre shaped Rockland"
  zur  Photogallery
       Capitol Reef  "Impressions from a 100-mile long Waterpocket Fold"
  zur  Photogallery
       Arches   "Impressions from the Land of the Sandstone Arches"
  zur  Photogallery
       Slickrock Trail  "Impressions from the Legend of Moab"
  zur  Photogallery
       Canyonlands  "Impressions from the Colorado River"
  zur  Photogallery
       Monument Valley   "Impressions from the Navajo Country"
  zur  Photogallery
       Antelope Canyon  "Impressions from the Mystic Canyon"
  zur  Photogallery
       Grand Canyon   "Impressions from the South Rim"
  zur  Photogallery
       Joshua Tree  "Impressions from the Mojave Desert"
  zur  Photogallery
 U S A   -   W e s t c o a s t
       Washington  "Impressions from the Evergreen State"
  zur  Photogallery
       Oregon   "Impressions from the Beaver State"
  zur  Photogallery
       California  "Impressions from the Golden State"
  zur  Photogallery
 E a s t e r   I s l a n d 
       Rapa Nui  "Impressions from the Island of the Moai"
  zur  Photogallery
 C h i l e   I I   
       Atacama "Impressions from the driest Desert on Earth "
  zur  Photogallery
       6000er  "Impressions from the Summit of Sairecabur "
  zur  Photogallery
 A r g e n t i n a 
       Saltworld  "Impressions from the Salinas Grandes"
  zur  Photogallery
       Ice Age  "Impressions from the Southern Patagonian Icefield "
  zur  Photogallery
 C h i l e
       Iceberg  "Impressions from the Glaciar O´Higgins "
  zur  Photogallery
       Norte Gallery  "Impressions from the Carretera Austral Norte "
  zur  Photogallery
       Sur Gallery  "Impressions from the Carretera Austral Sur "
  zur  Photogallery
 M a r o k k o 
       Jbel Toubkal  "Impressions from the Top of North Africa"
  zur  Photogallery
       Erg Gallery  "Impressions from the Edge of Sahara"
  zur  Photogallery
       Atlas Gallery  "Impressions from the High Altas"
  zur  Photogallery
       BerberGallery  "Impressions from the Berber´s Life"
  zur  Photogallery
       Fes Gallery  "Impressions from Working at the Fes Tannery"
  zur  Photogallery
           Rif Gallery  "Impressions from the Rif Mountains"
  zur  Photogallery
 I t a l i e n  
       Photogallery  "Impressions from Italy"
  zur  Photogallery
 Ö s t e r r e i c h 
       Photogallery  "Impressions from the Austrian Alps"
  zur  Photogallery


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H o m e

B a s e c a m p P h i l o s o p h i e N e w s Ü b e r  u n s R e i s e n  &  E x p e d i t i o n e n P h o t o g r a p h i e H O C H - F O R M . a t G e d a n k e n
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